This post is going to be pretty controversial but odds are, if you’re visiting this blog, you probably already are in the know or are ready to hear this. The mainstream narrative and consensus is nothing but a smokescreen hiding the bitter and, quite frankly, terrifying truth…
Politicians, bankers, world leaders, and other authorities/influential figures are all involved, deeply, in secret occult orders. The leaders and ringmasters of these secret occult orders are the ones who truly pull the strings and control everything that unfolds in this world. The masters that they serve are ambiguous cosmic beings who wish to bring about certain negative changes in this world. Some people claim that they serve fallen angels, archons, elder gods, ETs, etc. I, on the other hand, don’t claim to know exactly “who” or what it is that they serve, as I feel it is pretentious for uninitiated individuals to claim they know the deepest secrets of occult orders. I, not being initiated into any known occult orders, simply know that the beings that these orders serve are dark and are bringing about unfavorable change on a global scale.
How do I know this? Through the evidence and apparent trends that I can find and observe as well as the accounts of credible individuals with some inside information. What I will say about these occult orders is that they do seem to have an affinity for employing goetic and non-goetic demons to assist them in their objectives. This can be seen in the frequent displays of their Baal and Moloch worship of which is made apparent in both the Balenciaga scandal (separate post covering that soon) as well as the WikiLeaks emails. Now, just because they employ demons doesn’t necessarily imply that these demons are the beings at the top of the pyramid that these occult orders truly serve. I believe there to be even darker and much more ambiguous figures that are operating at the highest level of these occult orders. The reason for the use and employment of demons for ritual I believe to be simply because any occultist or occult group knows that demons are excellent at getting tangible results via ritual magick. You’d be hard-pressed to find any legitimate occultist that doesn’t utilize some form of demon magick in their practice after all… Obviously excluding the almost exclusively phony or ill-informed “white magicians” and “white witches.”
9/11 As A Testament To The Employment Of Demons In The Ritual Magick Of Secret Societies
One really intriguing example of a demon (technically a Zoroastrian devil) being employed or being given a sacrifice (depends on how you interpret it) is the appearance of Ahriman in the 9/11 twin tower attack.
Now, although I don’t consider Rudolf Steiner to be the best of sources, I still do believe he was knowledgeable on many occult and alchemical matters. You can see his sculpture of what he believed to be Ahriman on the left-hand side in the picture and the face that was seen in the smoke of the twin towers on the right. I think you’ll probably agree that the faces look extremely similar, if not exactly the same. When I first saw this, I thought that this had to be fake or a fabrication of some sort. After doing some research, I quickly found that this image was 100% authentic and hadn’t been doctored in any way. In fact, the New York Times even chimed in on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 stating that it was fully authentic and could be witnessed on the CNN livestream when the events occurred (see here). This is one of the few times that “fact checking” was actually accurate. Although, I’d argue it’s because there is no way the media could claim this is fake when it can be clearly seen on authentic video footage. Regardless of the strangeness of this face in the smoke of the towers, the whole thing was still swept under the rug and most people remain largely unaware of this strange occurrence.
I won’t get into the whole “why 9/11 was an inside job” schtick as there are multiple resources out there that point out the inconsistencies in the official narrative as well as the why and how of it was carried out. I will say that regardless of how exactly it was carried out (as opinions on this vary) I believe 9/11 to have been a ritual sacrifice specifically oriented to bring about global change that is favorable to the secret societies and occult orders behind it. I’d go as far to say that this event having a cosmic/interdimensional being quite literally rear its head is not a coincidence. I, with great displeasure and sadness, think that the people killed in the 9/11 attacks were used as sacrifices to a cosmic being whom, in turn, used the negative energy derived from the souls and death of the people involved to bring about a favorable change for the casters (the occult orders). This favorable change for the occult orders was rather unfavorable for everyone else (us regular folk) and entailed a negative change in the conduct and trajectory of society as a whole. Many people speak of the world feeling and being different before 9/11. I’d say that’s because it was a different world and that this “feeling” is a direct influence of the ritual magick behind the events that occurred on 9/11.
A Word On Politics And So Called “Democracy”
While on the topic of occult orders such as freemasonry, skull and bones, the order of the golden dawn, etc. and politicians being deeply involved in them, it would be careless of me not to mention the farce that is democracy. This unfortunately will really ruffle some feathers but I would be dishonest if I were to omit this.
Democracy, as it exists in our society, is an illusion. It simply exists to make us think that we have a say in the socio-political climate. Regardless of which leader is elected and which party they represent, they are still in allegiance to the occult orders that they are involved with as well as the big corporate business interests that dictate the policies. The big corporate business interests of which the higher ups are also high-ranking members of secret societies as well. Seeing the picture?
Nobody gets to the level where they can have as much power and influence (limited power and influence in reality albeit) as the president of the United States without being initiated and in cahoots with the prominent occult orders that control this world. This means that regardless of who the president is, they merely act as puppets, front-men/women, and scapegoats for the shadowy architects of our society. This also applies to the Canadian and Australian prime ministers of course. No political figure is exempt from this rule.
This also means, as much as some people just don’t want to believe it, that Donald Trump is also one of “them.” Yes, he’s not coming to save you. The Q-anon narrative was a psyop (psychological operation). It did have some valid information with regards to adrenochrome and child-trafficking (which is real and most of the information regarding it actually pre-dated Q). Much of the information on the human-trafficking situation and ritual sacrifice was in circulation long before Q. Much of it came from WikiLeaks and other various sources. The Q-anon narrative simply served as a means to provide false hope that some “white-hats” were taking care of things (breeding passivity) and to further a divide and conquer agenda by associating all people who weren’t democrats with the Q-anon narrative among other ends. So no, Donald Trump is not a time-travelling messiah coming to rescue us. Quite the opposite, he’s simply another means to lead us into further chaos. Continuing to support Donald Trump as some sort of hero is moronic and ignorant of the reality of the situation. Nobody in positions of power is coming to help us. If they were, they wouldn’t be in a position of power to begin with.
Politics is largely just a ploy that is used as a powerful social engineering tool. Nothing seems to make people more emotional, irrational, and frankly crazy after all. Some may call me an anarchist for saying this and you’d be right. I think the current political and economic systems in their current state are beyond saving and unfortunately a slow degradation of humanity and human society generally is looming. The only winning move in this game seems to be not to play or to detach yourself, and your loved ones, as much as possible.
Celebrities As Social Engineering/Mind Control Icons And Their Involvement In Occult Orders
Of course, it’s not just politicians and bankers that are deeply involved in this. Your favorite celebrity and artist is almost certainly involved as well. Now many people start to get emotional about this because, of course, nobody wants to hear that their idol is not as amazing as they appear to be.
Many have gone over the symbolism that many celebrities display in their art, music and music videos, photoshoots, tattoos on their body, social media posts, performances, etc. Much of this symbolism is far more compelling than the stereotypical “illuminati confirmed” BS that was prevalent in the 2013 era where an out of place triangle was seen as evidence of a conspiracy. Much of it is consistent with the symbolism written about by occult orders and some celebrities (and associates of them) have gone as far as to literally tattoo a masonic square and compass on their bodies. It doesn’t get more obvious than that…
To provide a rudimentary example of what I’m talking about with regards to the symbolism, here’s a collection of a variety of celebrities throwing up the triple 6 hand sign, most of which are covering one eye, in photos and media.
With regards to the symbolism, you can find countless images, videos, and other media where celebrities are shown sporting their prized masonic rings or flashing other masonic symbolism like the hidden hand. At first glance, it may seem like a stretch to believe that these are anything more than just innocent random gestures, however, when you see these “gestures” occurring again and again and again and even being the highlighted pose in photoshoots and pictures, such as some of the above photos, it starts to become obvious that this is very intentional…
I may make another post covering the symbolism, exclusively, with more examples because it truly is everywhere and extremely pervasive. In conjunction with the content that many celebrities create, or are involved in, it becomes very clear that there is something very strange going on.
The primary reason why celebrities MUST be initiated into occult orders prior to or at the onset of their fame is because the architects of darkness want those with influence to be under their control and to have leverage over them to ensure that they are willing instruments of mind control and propaganda on the populace.
When every facet of society is bludgeoning paradigms and ideology into your head, it takes immense restraint and willpower to resist and maintain a sense of reality. Propaganda is strong on its own but when people’s idols and saints are promoting the propaganda and even shaming those who don’t buy into it, the emotional need to belong and to conduct yourself in a way that your idol approves of is strong. The propaganda and mind control tactics are truly diabolical.
With famous musicians like Stevie Nicks, being openly into witchcraft, and David Bowie, pulling cocaine fueled all-nighters studying Kabbalah in depth, can we really dismiss celebrities willingly participating in occult orders and secret societies as a ridiculous idea? I personally don’t think so…
George Bush’s (and John Kerry’s) Involvement In Skull And Bones And The Infamous Interview With Tim Russert
George W. Bush went on air with Tim Russert in 2004 where Tim brought up George’s involvement in the skull and bones secret society, otherwise known as 322 and The Order Of The Brotherhood Of Death. Bush clearly looked very uncomfortable when the subject came up as did John Kerry when Tim Russert also confronted him. Both of them indirectly acknowledged that they were, in fact, members of skull and bones.
You can watch the clips of Tim interviewing both George W. Bush and John Kerry here:
Roughly 4 years later, in 2008, Tim Russert died at work of a heart attack. Many people claim that Tim died shortly after the interview that had taken place in 2004 but I think they have a rather strange definition of “shortly,” as 4 years isn’t really a very short amount of time. Despite the fact that he died 4 years later, I do think the skull and bones secret society were involved in his death. Tim didn’t seem to be the healthiest of guys but he died at the relatively young age of 58. It’s quite possible that he refused to stop looking into skull and bones and something had to be done about him due to the amount of influence he had (the extent to which influencers had to be initiated didn’t seem to be of as much importance back then). He did seem rather fascinated and interested in skull and bones in the 2004 interview after all…
What really drives home the idea that skull and bones was involved in his death is the numerology behind his death. He arrived at Sibley Memorial Hospital at 2:23pm where he was pronounced dead. As cheesy as it sounds, those of us who are familiar with the occult and the significance of numerology, astrology, and synchronicity will recognize that if you reverse 223, you get 322. With 322 being the number of the skull and bones secret society, it’s highly unlikely this is a mere coincidence.
While some people claim that Tim Russert was killed by a “heart attack gun” which was created by the CIA, I find this to be the less likely scenario. Seeing that the skull and bones secret society is largely a necromantic secret society (involved, quite literally, in death magick), I believe that it was likely a sort of hex or curse that was used to kill him.
Needless to say, speaking out against the occult orders that control our world doesn’t end well for a lot of people. Interestingly enough, I’ve tried to write articles, books, blog posts in the past about such matters only to have bad things happen around me or to me. Sometimes it’s as simple as a random spell of writer’s block as soon as I sit down to write just after my head was brimming with ideas. Other times, it’s something like having a door slam shut on my fingers making typing anymore a painful procedure. As a matter of fact, I was supposed to have finished writing this a couple days ago but was stung by a yellow jacket wasp roughly 6 times on my foot and ankle leading to me sitting on a heavily swollen foot and experiencing flu-like symptoms for the past couple days. I’ve since recovered but it truly feels like something doesn’t want me writing what I am writing here.
On that note, stay tuned for the coming posts. I have so much more I feel is necessary to discuss.