Shadow People

This will be the first part of my “The Nature Of The Beast” article series. This series of posts will be covering the nature of the high strangeness phenomenon and its telltale characteristics. In this specific post, I’ll be going over my take on the elusive and deliberately covert nature of the high strangeness phenomenon.

If there’s one thing I’ve noticed over the years that I’ve been looking into high-strangeness phenomena, it’s that the strange or paranormal almost always seems to present itself in a way that can be easily dismissed as fiction when relayed to other people. Any time a paranormal event surfaces, it rarely is able to be recorded or proven in a tangible, concrete way by the people involved. The common joke of pulling out the camera, with the worst video quality imaginable, when a UFO appears still largely rings true after all… While most people would simply conclude that the reason for this is simply due to the experiences being fictitious, I’d argue that, although plenty of supposed encounters and experiences may be fake, the reason for this has more to do with the supernatural deliberately covering its tracks and evading discovery. This results in even the most genuine of experiences being written off as fiction.

This would explain why many paranormal encounters are seldom witnessed by large masses of people. The larger the amount of people being targeted, the more credibility the encounter of high-strangeness has and, when certain forces wish to remain largely unseen, this is an unfavorable outcome. Hence why most high-strangeness encounters typically only involve one or a handful of people.

I should note, however, that there are some strange exceptions such as the events in the Miami mall situation. Upcoming article on that soon. Typically though, the phenomenon seems to deliberately reveal itself to individuals or small groups of people, almost exclusively, as to not give its existence away to the mass collective of humanity. My theories on why the phenomenon wishes to remain unseen are merely my own speculation. The motives of the strange are, not surprisingly, very ambiguous hence its strangeness.

Moreover, almost all of these experiences also seem to have a predatory element where the alleged poltergeist or ET seems to be preying on a group of people. This leads me to wonder if perhaps the predatory incentives of such beings is a reason for its seeming desire to remain in the shadows. For what end are these beings preying on people? I, nor can most, be certain. I can tell you this however: even the most pleasant interactions with the supernatural or supposed ETs are likely predatory in their nature. Many people who’ve had encounters with supposed “Pleiadeans” or other hippy dippy new age ETs and spirit guides find that when they really start questioning the nature of these beings and their intentions, things get dark swiftly. I’ve come to believe that these “love and light” apparitions new agers so frequently speak of and refer to are nothing more than metaphysical wolves in sheep’s clothing. Once again, more on that in another post.

Another interesting quality of strange encounters is that many of them tend to include a manipulation of the environment surrounding the experiencer(s). I’ve heard countless compelling stories of people having the room around them phase and shift, having animals around them have their legs mysteriously broken when the experiencer(s) turn their head for a split second, and even having a telescope, through which a UFO (or UAP) was being observed, be found back in the box, unopened after the experience had concluded. Needless to say, when something can literally manipulate the physical nature of your immediate reality (or your perception of it), it would be damn near impossible to capture evidence of it. If it doesn’t want to be discovered that is. I feel this manipulation of physical reality, at the time of the encounters, provides great insight not only into the magnitude of danger involved with high strangeness activity, but also the ease of which the phenomenon can hide its own existence and essentially gaslight the experiencer(s) if it so chooses.

Further, I’d like to talk a bit about how altered states like trances, sleep paralysis states, hypnogogic states generally, as well as states induced by mind altering substances tend to almost serve as an excuse for the strange to manifest. It seems as though whenever the lines between reality are blurred, the likelihood of having an experience of high-strangeness increases exponentially. And when I refer to ‘an experience of high-strangeness,’ I mean genuine paranormal events, not something akin to a spooky dream or closed-eye visuals.

Now, beforehand, I should mention that hallucinations and delusions DO EXIST. This seems obvious but needs to be stated as many people in the supposed pursuit of truth have extreme susceptibility to delusional and irrational thinking. I had fallen victim to this myself, in the past, admittedly as I’m sure many of you likely have at some point or another (if you’re honest and self aware anyways). It, unfortunately, has become a rite of passage for many involved in the pursuit of truth and many people have, sadly, become locked in false delusional paradigms that corrode their psyche and quality of life generally. Additionally, if someone claims to have regular experiences of high strangeness but is an avid methamphetamine user (or on other drugs) they, obviously, are NOT a reliable source of information. Discernment and reading people is imperative in the pursuit of truth as there are many predators out there who attempt to take advantage of people who are searching. Aspiring and current cult leaders come to mind…

With that lengthy, albeit necessary, disclaimer out of the way, let’s continue.

Through altered states, many people have reported transcendental and sometimes nightmarish encounters with intelligences, forces, and interdimensional beings. This can easily be chalked up to hallucinations which it sometimes is. Some of these accounts however, have been reported by a variety of individuals, worldwide, who don’t know each other and are essentially describing the exact same thing. Even more interesting is the fact that many of these high strangeness encounters, while in altered states, seem to affect people physically and even alter their physical reality.

For instance, encounters with the hat man and night hag (as well as shadow people) are reported by different people all over the world. Not only do the types of altered states (sleep paralysis, hallucinogenic substances, trance, evocations/invocations, meditative states, etc.) differ during encounters with these specific anomalies but these beings are sometimes even witnessed in sober/waking states of consciousness with no altered state at all. How is it that these same figures are being witnessed by a variety of people worldwide? At this point, one would typically bring up the topic of the Jungian collective unconscious and its archetypes, which is a valid and reasonable explanation, however, it doesn’t explain the bruises, scratches, and physical harm that comes to some of the unfortunate people who’ve had these encounters. If these were simply collective archetypes in our unconscious manifesting to us in the form of a hallucination (or a psychological phenomenon in other words), that doesn’t explain the physical evidence of their presence. Additionally, why do such experiences with these “archetypes” or beings sometimes occur spontaneously in sane, healthy people with no altered state or mental illness? Moreover, why do some people have shared experiences where all participants are “hallucinating” the exact same thing whilst they are all in altered states? At that point can we really dismiss the encounter as, “just a hallucination induced by altered states” if the exact same experience is shared by a group of people? I’m afraid there are more questions than answers here. I personally believe there is more to the story than these beings just being a hallucination of archetypical figures only present in altered states like sleep paralysis. To tie this in with the thesis of this post, I believe the vehicle (altered states) of the appearance of these figures allowing them to be easily brushed off as a hallucination is not a coincidence and very likely calculated by whatever intelligence is behind the encounters with said figures.

My hypothesis as to why so many paranormal experiences occur in altered states is that these altered states provide the perfect excuse for these things to manifest, do what they please (which almost exclusively is harmful and/or deceitful in nature. Even the wishy washy new age love and light beings I believe to have malevolent intent), and still maintain the questionability of their existence when such experiences are relayed to others by the experiencer(s). Altered states seem to be the perfect gateway for these things to “do their business with us” in an overt manner while still being able to maintain their anonymity and questionable status in the public eye.

Further, I believe this also provides a compelling explanation for why children specifically seem to be targeted by high-strangeness forces. I know this to be the case from my own personal experience (see my experience with the night hag) as well as countless reports I’ve heard from others. The whole concept of the child, in a family, being the first one to notice something “off” in a haunting is not just reserved for movie screens. As a matter of fact, I’d argue movies were based off reality in this case. An interesting thing I’ve noticed through conversing with others who’ve also had experiences is that many of these strange childhood experiences seem to peak between the ages of 5-7 years old. I’d wager that they likely were also present before the age of 5 but that our human memory ultimately fails us. This is not a fact, of course, merely a trend that I’ve observered.

As to why children are specifically targeted by high-strangeness phenomena, I’d say because they are easy targets that nobody will believe when they relay their experience. Children are often seen as the least credible source there can be and much of their experience is very quickly dismissed as the result of an overactive imagination.

Generally, I believe that the easily “debunkable” nature of the strange and supernatural is intentional and by design. Whatever intelligences and forces are preying on and interacting with humanity do not want the nature of their existence to be made a reality in the mass collective consciousness. My personal theory as to why is simple. It’s easier to hunt when your prey has no idea of your nature, characteristics, modes of hunting, let alone your very existence. An alternative or secondary theory would be that something is trying to stifle evolutionary potential for humanity through covert means. Unfortunately, once again, this raises more questions than answers.

Hopefully, this post doesn’t read as disjointed as I feel it may be whilst writing this. This is a very complex topic that can easily branch off into many other subtopics making it difficult to be concise and coherent when discussing it.

Until next time.

Hi, I’m Chris A.

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